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Wheels 2 Work County Durham scooter Loan Contract

Wheels 2 Work County Durham – Scooter Loan Contract 


For the purpose of this contract: 

‘Rider’ refers to the named person that is to use the Scooter. 

‘Wheels 2 Work County Durham’ (also ‘W2WCD’) is the lender. 

‘Wheels 2 Work Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)’ is the host organisation for Wheels 2 Work County Durham. 


  1. The prime use of the Scooter will be to access apprenticeships, employment or education as specified in the rider's application. 


  1. The rider must hold a valid driving licence, either full or provisional, for the duration of their time on the scheme. Please report to W2WCD any licence points you receive while on the scheme. 


  1. W2W County Durham staff must be informed of all the below changes in circumstances. 


  • Address.  

  • Phone number.  

  • Change in employment/apprenticeship or further education. 

  • Change in health which may affect your ability to ride the scooter. 


  1. The rider is responsible for booking and attending their CBT and CBT Plus;  

There is no charge for the CBT or CBT PLUS however if any of the below circumstances occur the cost of the training will be deducted from the rider's up-front fee.  


  1. If the rider fails to attend their CBT or CBT (plus) without giving 48 hours notice to the motorcycle trainer 

  1.  failure to complete the training by leaving the training area before training is finished without reasonable cause. The motorcycle trainer is under no obligation to take the rider back again. 

  1. Failure to pass the CBT 


The rider must supply a copy/scan/photo of the CBT certificate to W2WCD. If it has been agreed with W2WCD staff that a Rider will install a ground anchor after completion of their CBT, failure to provide photographs of the installed ground anchor will result in cancellation of the CBT (plus) and loss of the up-front fee.  


  1. The loan facility is for a six-month period and commences once the rider collects the Scooter. It is not guaranteed but it may be possible for the rider to extend their loan if they have followed all W2WCD procedures and is dependent on Scooter availability. Any extension to the initial 6-month loan will be at the discretion of the W2WCD Manager. At the end of the loan the rider must return the Scooter to Ace Motorcycles, in the same condition in which it was received, (normal wear and tear will be taken into consideration). 





  1. The rider will pay for a petrol 125cc scoter by Standing Order. The first month must be paid in advance before the rider can book their CBT. A standing order mandate will be emailed to the rider to fill out, once completed and returned Wheels 2 Work will send this to the rider's bank, after joining the scheme to set up the standing order. Wheels 2 Work cannot cancel the standing order so after leaving the scheme, the rider must cancel it. 


Payments options ** Subject to change

                    £ 40 per week  

                    £173 calendar monthly (example 25th of each month) 


  1. In the event of non-payment of loan fee without reasonable explanation, the rider will receive a confiscation letters/email. The Scooter must be returned to the scheme or a County Court Judgement Order will be issued. This will request all unpaid loan payments and will result in court action if ignored. 


  1. Any parking fines or other road traffic offences are the responsibility of the rider, a failure to pay these will result in the Scooter being confiscated. 





  1. The Scooter remains the property of Wheels 2 Work County Durham CIO. W2WCD retains the right to withdraw the loan of its Scooter at any time when the terms of the contract have been contravened.  


  1. The Scooter will be checked for damages by Ace Motorcycles prior to being loaned out. The rider must also sign off any previous cosmetic damages and we recommend you take photos and email them to W2WCD to avoid being charged for them later. 


  1. All services, maintenance and repairs to the Scooter must be carried out by W2WCD’s approved motorcycle dealers, Ace Motorcycles. Modifications or repairs MUST NOT be carried out by the rider, riders’ family member/friend or a garage not approved by W2WCD. 


  1. The rider is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the Scooter which must be kept clean and in a roadworthy condition. The rider must carry out regular Scooter safety checks including oil level, tyre pressure and lights, as listed in the welcome pack. Oil needs checking weekly and must be taken to Ace motorcycles to be topped up when needed. To ensure the scooter is being kept in a road worthy condition and checks are being carried out, W2WCD will complete a visual inspection of the scooter once a month. Failure to allow W2WCD to carry out a visual inspection will result in the scooter being confiscated.  


  1. The rider is responsible for booking the Scooter in for services every 3000 km. Failure to book the Scooter in for services will result in the rider being removed from the W2WCD scheme. 


  1. Any faults, accidents or damage must be reported to the W2WCD office as soon as possible using one of the following methods 0191 303 8442 / 07566 068 668 / 0759 727 8208 / . If the Scooter is faulty the rider must not ride it until it has been checked by Ace motorcycles.  


  1. Damage – each time a Scooter is damaged during the loan period, the rider will be liable to pay up to a maximum of £250 in damage repair costs per incident.  


  1. If the Scooter is returned to the dealership for repairs due to misuse or accidents that W2WCD has not been made aware of, then the Scooter will be confiscated and the rider invoiced for the cost of repairs.  



  1.  In the event of a road traffic accident where emergency services are involved, the Rider must, if possible, inform the police that the registered owner of the scooter is W2WCD and ask them to contact W2WCD to arrange recovery. If the Scooter is causing an obstruction or hazard the police may decide to recover the vehicle themselves. The Rider is responsible for making sure the Scooter will be removed from the scene and not abandoned, otherwise the rider may be held liable. 


  1. Riders will be issued with 24-hour breakdown recovery cards which the rider must always keep with the Scooter. 



  1. Failure to return or loss of the Scooter keys/key fob will mean the rider will be required to pay W2WCD the replacement cost (from £30 upwards) 







  1. The Scooter will be taxed and insured by W2WCD. The insurance will be for the vehicle only. The rider is not insured for any personal loss or injury, nor will they have any ‘No Claims’ entitlement after they have finished their loan with W2WCD. Personal injury cover is the responsibility of the rider to arrange if they wish. 


  1. the Scooter is not insured for and cannot be used for fast food delivery work, if the scooter is found to be used for this purpose the scooter will be confiscated. 


  1. The scooters are only to be used by persons registered on the W2WCD scheme, riders must not lend/share the Scooter with anyone else. 


  1. Riders MUST follow W2WCD procedures in the event of an accident. (All procedures are provided in the Welcome Pack). It is the rider’s responsibility to read and understand the procedures for reporting accidents. Riders must, if they are able, exchange W2WCD contact details with a third party, if involved. The rider should not provide any of their own personal information such as phone number or address; the rider should refer the third party onto the W2WCD Office. Riders must take photographs, if possible, of the scene and the vehicle(s) plus details of any witnesses. Riders must not admit liability. W2WCD will investigate all accidents through the appropriate channels. 


RIDER DECLARATION (for insurance purposes):  


  • I declare that I have not been involved in a motor vehicle accident in the last 3 years,    


  • I have never been convicted of any motoring offences, and do not have a prosecution pending.  


  • I do not suffer from any physical or mental illness or incapacity that impacts my ability to ride safely or would invalidate my insurance policy.  


  • I have never been refused insurance or had special terms imposed.  


If you are unsure or unable to sign that this declaration is true to the best of your knowledge, please contact Wheels 2 Work. 



Signed Date:  







  1. The rider of a stolen Scooter which has been securely locked to an immoveable object will be liable for an excess payment of £250 per scooter. In the event that a scooter is stolen which has not been securely locked to an immoveable object. the rider may be liable for the full replacement cost of the Scooter (approx. £1700) as W2WCD will not be able to claim on the insurance. 


 A replacement scooter is not guaranteed and will be dependent on Scooter availability however a replacement will not be issued at all if 


  •  A stolen and recovered scooter is found to have the locks under the seat 


  • The scooter is stolen over night from an address that is not your address and that we do not have secure storage photos for 


  • The scooter has been left unchained/unsecure for any period of time in places, including but not limited to - outside of rider's home, friend/relatives, shops, take aways, cash machines or public car parks 

W2WCD scooters are fitted with 24/7 tracker systems, your mobile number will be listed against the scooter you are issued with and alerts will be sent directly to riders. Alerts will include possible theft, speeding and out of area 


The rider hereby acknowledges that the scooter is tracked by Wheels 2 Work County Durham for the purposes of  


  •  W2WCD has cause for concern regarding the use of the Scooter 


  • To aid in the recovery of vehicles that are stolen, missing or otherwise unaccounted for. 



Please print name: 




Signed:                                                       Date 






  1. Locks, safety helmet, gloves, jacket and high-visibility vest will be provided by W2WCD, the rider must always wear these when riding the Scooter. The wearing of additional protective clothing is the responsibility of the rider. The rider must return both locks and keys along with the Scooter at the end of his/her loan. 


  1. The rider must always comply with the law and the rules of the Highway Code.  


  1. The rider must not ride the Scooter under the influence of alcohol or any other drug which may affect the rider’s ability to ride safely.  


  1. The Scooter must not be used to carry passengers at any time. 


  1. The Scooter must not be used to ride off-road at any time. 


  1. At no point does Wheels 2 Work CIO accept any responsibility or liability for any injury sustained to, or death of, the person named as the rider in this contract as a result of participating in Wheels 2 Work County Durham. 





I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions set out in this loan contract. I agree to abide by these terms and realise that failure to do so will result in the Scooter being confiscated. I agree that failure to inform Wheels 2 Work County Durham of any change in circumstance relating to the terms of the contract – including criminal convictions – will also result in confiscation of the Scooter. I accept and understand the risks involved in riding a two-wheeled vehicle.  


Please print name: 





Signed:                                 Date 





PARENT/GUARDIAN (for Riders under 18 years old) 


I agree to     participating in W2W County Durham and will endeavour to ensure that he/she complies with the Loan Contract; failure to do so will result in the Scooter being confiscated. I understand that a £250 excess per incident must be paid in the event of damage, theft or an insurance claim in relation to the loan of the Scooter. I accept and understand the terms and conditions and the risks involved in riding a two-wheeled vehicle. 


Please print name (parent/guardian):  



Rider Name:  



Signed (parent/guardian):  Date: 




Contact Tel No (parent/guardian):  






  • W2WCD collects your personal data (application form) so we can assess whether you are eligible for the scheme and to ensure that we can contact you in relation to your Scooter loan. 

  • We will contact you by any of the following methods- email, telephone, letter. 

  • Your data will be processed in line with W2WCD procedures and will be stored securely by us. 

  • Your personal data will be kept by W2WCD for 7 years, in line with HMRC guidelines, after which time it will be securely destroyed. 

  • The information you provide may be used by W2WCD.  We are obliged to share statistical information with the project funders for monitoring and administration purposes,  

  • Telephone number and address may be shared with the schemes motorcycle dealer 


Our Data Privacy Notice is available to view on our website  



Wheels 2 Work County Durham would like to feature its Riders within the project’s promotional work.  The images and information that we gather may be used with press releases in W2WCD publications such as leaflets and presentations, website and Facebook page.  


To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we need your permission before we take any photographs, and we would also like to know if you are happy to help us with further research for the project.  



Please tick if you are willing to participate in any of the following then sign and date the form where shown: 


Have your photograph taken. 



Telephone/email interview with project staff to complete a case study (your story). 




I grant permission for photographs or quotations to be used for:   


Press releases (which may go into local media) W2W Website and W2W social media 





Funders & external agencies for the purpose of case studies and monitoring reports 





From time-to-time Riders are approached to take part in surveys by email or phone. These surveys are aimed at enabling the performance of W2W County Durham and its partners to monitor performance, improve quality and plan future provision.  Please tick here if you are happy to be contacted by W2WCD in respect of surveys and research. 




 W2W County Durham and its partners may wish to contact you from time to time about other services relevant to you.  Please tick this box if you would like to be contacted about these other services 





 Your personal information will never be passed to organisations for commercial or sales purposes.  



I have read and understood the conditions of use of the information I provide and I consent to the information and photographs being used as indicated.  I understand that I reserve the right to withdraw this consent at any time.  



Signed  Date  





Parent/Guardian (for Riders under 18 years old)   


I give permission for …………………………………………………. to participate in interviews, and/or photographs, for Wheels 2 Work County Durham.    



Signed Date 





Signed W2W staff:  




Wheels 2 Work, Bullion Hall, South Approach, Chester-Le-Street, County Durham, DH2 2DW   

Tel:   0191 303 8442 / / 07566 068 668 / 0759 727 8208 Email:    




W2W County Durham, Bullion Hall, South Approach, Chester le Street, County Durham DH2 2DW  

Registered in England Company No: 3320404 Registered Charity No: 1061531 

Wheels 2 Work County Durham

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) No. 1160215



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