Scooter hire and Bicycle scheme
For County Durham residents who find accessing available transport a real struggle
We are a charity that offers personal transport to people who find it difficult to get to, or sustain, employment, volunteering or further education opportunities because of a lack of available transport options.
Our Scooter and Bicycle services are for County Durham residents only. We classify County Durham residents as people from a household who pay their Council Tax to Durham County Council.
If your Council Tax is paid to a different Local Authority area, you will need to look for a similar service there.
Am I eligible?
In order for us to loan you a scooter you must meet the following criteria:
*You must live in County Durham. Please note we not cover Newcastle, Gateshead, Washington, Birtley or Sunderland
Darlington, Stockton, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar or Cleveland residents please click here for the Tees Valley Scheme
*Be 17 years old or over. If under 18, you will need your parent's or guardian's consent.
*Have a firm offer or already be in employment, an apprenticeship or a place in further education that requires regular travel to and from your place of work/apprenticeship or learning. (Training courses must be a minimum of 12 weeks)
*Have difficulty getting to work, your apprenticeship or further education on public transport due to either. (Check your journey here)
No public transport at start and/or end times and Journey takes more than 40 minutes on foot
Journey takes more than 1 bus
Journey takes more than 1 hour on public transport
Public transport is a struggle and I have no other means of transport
Public transport connections make late
Anxiety or health issue which makes public transport difficult ( please note we will require proof)
Public transport is a struggle and cant afford to buy own transport
*Have a provisional or full driving licence with more than 6 months remaining. (A photo of a recent utility bill will be requested if your licence and application addresses do not match)
*Be able to pay an upfront payment of £173.00 then regular weekly payments by standing order
*Be able to pay a maximum of £250 in the event of accidental damage or theft.
*Commit to paying for the scooter for a minimum of 12 weeks.
*Be able to provide photographic evidence that you have a secure location to store the scooter and be able to lock the scooter to an immovable object when unattended. If we do not consider your storage arrangements to be secure enough, we will not be able to progress with your application.
****Scooter storage
We will require photographs of where you will store the scooter at home overnight, including padlocks, wall/fences/gates, and a wider view so we can see the access to your storage and where it is in relation to your house. If you do not provide photos showing all the above information then more photos will be requested which will slow down the application process. Please see our scooter page to check that your storage will be large enough to store the scooter.Please note scooters can not be stored in the house or any communal areas in blocks of flats
***** Please note that our scooters can not be loaned for the purpose of fast-food delivery/ delivery work.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in the last 3 years, convicted of any motoring offences or have any prosecution pending, suffer from any physical or mental illness or incapacity that impacts your ability to ride safely or would invalidate an insurance policy, have been refused insurance or had special terms imposed please contact the office.
We will check that you are eligible by contacting your employer or learning/apprenticeship provider, checking your driving licence with the DVLA and will also need to see your CBT Certificate if you have one.
If you meet the above criteria, you can find out how to loan a scooter here.