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Applying for a scooter

To start the wheels in motion we will need a completed application form from you. Please read the information included on this website carefully before doing this including the Scooter  Loans Contract, Am I eligible section and the FAQ's page


Complete the online application form by clicking here. Once finished you will be emailed a copy if you include an email address. When we have assessed your application, you will be informed whether you are eligible or not and whether we have a scooter available for you. If the answer is yes you will be emailed a copy of the contract to read and sign.


If you have problems filling in your application, please call  W2W on 01913038442 and we will happily complete an application with you over the telephone.


**Please note applications submitted after 12pm Friday will be processed on the following Monday

What information will I need?

To complete the online application form please make sure that you have ready:


  • Your driving licence (you need a minimum of 6 months left on your licence) and a photo or scanned copy of your licence to upload. If you can't do this, please send a photocopy of your driving licence to Wheels 2 Work County Durham, Bullion Hall, South Approach,      Chester-Le-Street, County Durham DH2 2DW with your name and contact number written on the top after you have submitted your form. 

  • Name and telephone numbers for an emergency contact and a further second person we can contact in relation to your loan if we cannot get in contact with you.

  • A  name, address and contact details (telephone and email) for your employer or learning/apprenticeship provider.

  • Details of your employment, apprenticeship or further education course including usual start/end times, hours worked/attended per week, hourly pay rate and type of contract (full/part time/zero hours) if applicable.

  • CBT Certificate (If you have one) which will include the date you took this and the name of the centre. 


If you have this information to hand it should take you 10-15 minutes to complete the online form. 


Wheels 2 Work County Durham

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) No. 1160215




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