Scooter hire and Bicycle scheme
For County Durham residents who find accessing available transport a real struggle

We are a charity that offers personal transport to people who find it difficult to get to, or sustain, employment, volunteering or further education opportunities because of a lack of available transport options.
Our Scooter and Bicycle services are for County Durham residents only. We classify County Durham residents as people from a household who pay their Council Tax to Durham County Council.
If your Council Tax is paid to a different Local Authority area, you will need to look for a similar service there.

Jobs and Trustee Vacancies
Thank you for your interest in Wheels 2 Work County Durham Jobs.
We are always interest in talking to people who would like to know more about being a Trustee with the organisation.
Please contact Liam Weatherill, Project Manager to arrange an informal chat.
liam.weatherill@w2wcd.org.uk 0191 303 8442